Sunday, June 27, 2010

End of the School Year - Rachel

Rachel had a great year this year as a fifth grader. She kept herself very busy with Choir and Orchestra. Rachel is a beautiful, talented, artistic girl. We are so proud of all her accomplishments!

This is a beautiful picture I snapped of Rachel one day.
Here she is at her end-of-the year concert playing her violin. She did a great job with her songs!

Her choir performance was so great! They did a collection of The Beatles songs, and it was so fun to see them all really getting into their songs. She is very expressive when she sings!

More of her singing with the choir.

Here she is at Blackbeard's going down the water slide. All of the choir, orchestra, band and percussion went there and we spent the day playing! It was so fun!

Rachel received a very special award at the Award's Assembly. We did not know she was getting this, and therefore we were not there. This award was for "Outstanding Fifth Grade Girl" in choir. She was the only girl given this plaque, and it is so beautiful! She was so excited! (If you can't tell by her face!) She loves to sing and really has a beautiful voice.

Here is Rachel's last-day-of-school picture taken by "the sign." I remember finding a picture recently of the last day of school her kindergarten year and she only came up about halfway to the bottom of the sign. She has grown so much! We are so proud of you, Rachel! YOU ROCK!

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