The day we came home from camping, Brian's sister Tammy and her family came to visit us from Utah. We rarely get company, so it was very exciting to have family come to visit! We took them to Yosemite to enjoy the beauty of that place and the gorgeous waterfalls!

Here is Tammy, Devin, Cody, Chiara and Tyson by the redwood trees!

Chiara, Tammy, Devin, Tyson and Cody at the beautiful lookout for Yosemite.

Rachel by a waterfall.

Chiara, Daniel, Rachel, Devin, Tyson, Cody and Brian posing by a giant redwood tree after lunch.

Postcard scene.....yes I took this picture! Gorgeous!

Daniel and Rachel inserted into the postcard! :)

Tammy and Devin!

Here we are! I love this spot!

Daniel acting cool!

Here we all are: Daniel, Devin, Tammy, Cody, Tyson, Brian, Chiara and Rachel. Love this picture! We had such a great time with the Johnson's! Hope they come back to visit real soon! We love you guys!